Our Story

We started as a handmade shop on Etsy. Although our products are still handmade, each new version of our products offers more value, content, and aesthetic improvements with every revision.

The Unrealized Truth

When we started Lucullion we noticed a recurring theme with starter kits across the multiple industries, but especially starter kits related to cosmetics in particular.

The offerings available were minimal. They usually had a handful of fragrances and some testing strips. There was no differentiation between a starter kit and a finished product. The customer ended up with exactly what they started with, some fragrances and some testing strips. The customer did not experience the creation of perfumery.

Many starter kits on the market tend to be a haphazard collection of items, leaving the user to figure out the rest on their own with many questions remaining unanswered. Another common issue with many starter kits on the market is that they lack any meaningful or memorable experiences and are shallow in terms of depth.

learning about perfume with bottles and paper

Our Goal

Our products focus on uncovering lesser-known or niche areas within industries that may have been overlooked, less popular or difficult to design and produce. Our goal is to create products that can truly inspire, empower, and enlighten people while remaining a fun and engaging activity you can enjoy as well with family and friends.